Posts Tagged ‘The Daily Show’

Middle of the Road

September 17, 2010

So earlier this week I let some strange dude named “Dr. Kumar” cut on me and yank an alleged hematoma out of my torso. However, they didn’t let me see it before they sent it off to the lab. (What were they hiding, one must wonder. Perhaps it was an alien eyeball and they feared for my sanity. Hah. The fools! It’s far too late for that to be an issue.)

The process was mostly painless and hardly resembled a scene out of Saw III. I was fully conscious during the procedure and the most disconcerting part was the smell. Doctor Kumar was using some Dremmel-like device which cauterized as it cut. Mmmm, bacon!

Since that time I’ve been chomping down antibiotics and the occasional Darvon. I took one day off after the experience, but now I’m back at work full-time. I’m told I can’t do any lifting for a week, and my wife won’t let me use the riding mower. And experience has told me that it’s No Fun when a puppy launches its cute little head directly at the wounded era at like a zillion miles per hour. But other than that, things are going pretty good. I should be in fine form by Sunday, when we’re going to the York Fair to try to find people to sell us their chickens.

In opposition to Jon Stewart's "Rally to Restore Sanity," sinister pundit Stephen Colbert will be holding a "March to Keep Fear Alive" on the same day.

Viva Stewart! Viva La Non-Revolucion!

On other matters, did you happen to see The Daily Show on Thursday night? Mr. Jon Stewart announced his “Rally to Restore Sanity,” kind of an anti-Beck and Palin call to moderateness scheduled to occur on the Washington DC mall on Saturday, October 30, 2010, a date, as Stewart puts it, “of no significance whatsoever.”

The purpose is to encourage intelligent debate and polite discussion over America’s issues, to counteract the shouters and fear-mongers on both extremes. My wife and I are totally going. We’ve been discussing what kind of signage to carry. Here are some contenders:

“I’m pretty sure that President Obama is an American citizen. They check those things.”

“Perhaps Mr. Beck should get back on his medication.”

“Seriously. If you read the legislation, there’s no mention of death panels in it anywhere.”

“Maybe you’re correct. Let’s discuss this using our indoors voices.”

“While I’m sure she’s a fine person in many ways, Sarah Palin may not be the wisest choice for President of the United States.”

“Lacking a uterus, I have no useful opinion on abortion.”

“Why should I have to fake an illness to legally smoke a joint in the 21st century? I mean, seriously.”

So what do you think? Is this some totally radical moderateness, or what? Let me know if you’re going to show up for this wonderful event; maybe we’ll meet in DC somewhere ahead of time and eat sushi.

Stewart's rally will be just like Woodstock, except with older, pudgier people, a better grade of brown acid and probably a lot less free sex and nudity (which, given the participants, may not be a totally bad thing).

What Makes America Great (Part One)

September 7, 2010

Here’s links to some random junk I’ve been meaning to mention. WARNING: This column is mostly an excuse to publish pictures of scantily-clad women. Then again, aren’t they all?

Sign of the Times

Check “” out; it makes me happy. It’s a fine antidote to those sites displaying the depressing signs the Tea Partiers carry around.

Hell, I’d keep out the employees!

It May be Stupid and Intolerant, But it Sure Beats Another Frickin’ “Far Side” Cartoon…

Did you know that the people who are going to burn Korans on 9/11 have “Islam is of the Devil” tee shirts and coffee mugs for sale? Gosh, if the Nazis had had commemorative plates, we’d probably all be speaking German today!

How about “World’s Greatest Terrorist”?

He Puts the “Dick” in Dixie! (Seriously. That’s one of his songs.)

Hank Williams III is gonna drink and drug hisself to death just like his grandpappy did, but before he goes he’s gonna write some of the best new country music in 20 years…

My Country Heroes

Would you let this man sing at your daughter’s Bat Mitzvah?

I KNEW this Stupid Internet was Good for Something!

Pandora is maybe the best product on the Internet for finding new music based upon your tastes. It’s amazing technology and it’s frickin’ free.

There’s a picture in this album’s liner notes of Tori Amos suckling a pig. Why would I lie about a thing like that?

A Liberal Approach to Bosoms

The Huffington Post, arguably the most influential Liberal news outlet not on Public TV or radio, often has articles about Heidi Montag, who massages her fake breasts to keep them supple. (P.S. Who the fuck is Heidi Montag, anyway, and why does she torment me?)

Update on Heidi Montag’s Boobs

Without the Huffington Post, I might never have learned that Lady Gaga posed in a meat bikini on the cover of "Vogue Japan"...

Freedom of Stupidity

Fox News is partly owned by the same (Muslim) dude who is funding the Muslim rec center in lower Manhattan. Jon Stewart is unsure whether the people at Fox who are complaining about this secretive Muslim are evil or just stupid.

How about both?

Gotta Dance!

Here’s the new cast of the upcoming “Dancing with the Stars.” It includes Florence Henderson, Kurt Warner, David Hasselhof and — wait for it! — Bristol Palin!

Dancing with the Stars Cast

Isn’t this how Bristol got in trouble in the first place?

Demi Cup

And finally, for reasons that remain unclear, Demi Moore felt it necessary to take this picture of herself and then upload it on Twitter. This important issue is being covered by The New York Daily News.

Demi Moore in a bikini

I don’t think she’s using a Nikon. Ashton’s sponsors are gonna be pissed!

Is this a great country, or what?