Pat Robertson: Modern Prophet or Crazy-Ass Old Bastard?

Still crazy after all these years!

Recently, American Ayatollah Pat Robertson explained on his television program that the Haitians had been hit by a massive devastating earthquake because their ancestors had made a pact with the devil some two centuries ago, a fact I was not aware of.

Question: Can someone explain to me why this senile prick hasn’t been driven from the airwaves by embarrassed American Christians? Who listens to this crazy-ass old bastard anyway?

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4 Responses to “Pat Robertson: Modern Prophet or Crazy-Ass Old Bastard?”

  1. Jeff Briggs Says:

    The same suspects who watch Glen Beck. I’m waiting to see how he is gonna link Obama to the earthquake.

    • Oral R. Says:

      Rush Limbaugh DID link Obama to the earthquake, by the way. Although Obama may not have actually caused the earthquake, it is suspiciously convenient for him.

  2. Oral R. Says:

    Do you have any evidence that Haiti did NOT make a pact with the devil, or is it all just supposition on your part? Unlike you, some of us have an open mind on the subject. And let me just point out that if anyone knows about pacts with the devil, it is Pat Robertson.

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