Posts Tagged ‘hostages’

Kill Them Puppies

October 9, 2013

I have no interest in rehashing this shutdown nonsense. But I am gonna anyway because it’s frickin’ important.

Here’s the deal. I believe that the nutball wing of the GOP is holding a gun to the nation’s head in order to get concessions that they could never get through the normal governing process. I further believe that conceding anything to the Tea Party at this point absolutely guarantees that we’ll be facing the same damned crisis in another three, six or nine months – the next time we hit any kind of hard deadline.

And it cuts both ways. If God forbid the GOP ever succeeds in taking back the Presidency, what’s to stop the loony wing of the Democratic Party from doing the same thing to them Republicans?* “We’re going to shut down the government until we have mandatory lesbian abortion clinics in every church in the nation!”

Then what, President Cruz?** Huh, smart guy?



“Here’s a really cute puppy! Let’s vote to save IT!”Speaker Boehner, standing over a basket filled with thousands of other puppies and holding a can of gasoline and matches.

Fuck you, Speaker Boehner. While I seriously wish to rescue each individual puppy – veterans’ death benefits, government employee benefits, payment for food safety, childrens’ cancer, and so on – as soon as is humanly possible, we can’t allow you to claim some kind of moral victory by picking out the cutest, most telegenic puppies for rescue while callously watching the rest of them (the government) burn. Saving our democracy itself is the most important thing, and that’s what President Obama has to concentrate upon. And that means no deal whatsoever with you hostage-takers. This ain’t nothing but a naked power-grab; you don’t get any political cover until you back the fuck off.

Sorry, puppies. We love you. I hope the mean old Speaker Boenher will soon come to his senses and put down the gasoline. Then we can thrash out our differences like rational people. Assuming that anybody in the GOP is still capable of being rational.


*Other than that we Loony Liberals still have at least a vestigial sense of honor, unlike some other fringe groups I could name.

**”President Cruz.” I just threw up in my mouth a little.